Car Insurance
Car insurance or auto insurance is required in most states. It can help protect you when you get in an accident, whether you cause the accident or someone else does. You pay the premium, or cost of the insurance, and they help cover your expenses in case of an accident.
There are many different car insurance companies out there, almost all of which will offer quotes on the Internet, over the phone, or in person with an insurance agent.
Because of state requirements that everyone carry car insurance, most states closely monitor and regulate the car insurance industry. Because of this, most states also have statistical information on complaint rates, average premiums, etc. In many cases these are also split out by company, so this can be a great place to start looking when you are shopping for car insurance. It will give you a good idea of what other people pay, and also let you see which companies are cheap and inexpensive, and which companies are cost more.
There are a few basic components of vehicle insurance. Liability insurance normally covers damages causes when you are fault for an accident. It can cover property damage such as other vehicles, and it can also cover bodily injury to other people harmed in the accident. For most states liability insurance is the minimum required by law, and minimum required coverage amounts vary by state. Full coverage generally includes liability insurance, but also covers you, and your vehicle. Collision insurance covers cars that are damaged in a collision, while comprehensive coverage is for when your vehicle is damaged by something that is not a collision. Generally both collision and comprehensive insurance have deductibles that must be met before the insurance company starts making payments.
Many car insurance policies can also cover things other than your car, such as covering towing, roadside assistance, car rental when your car is damaged and even insure rental cars when you travel.